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Benefit of Ginger Tea (Content Publish in Hindi)

Benefit of Ginger Tea दोस्तों चाय का तो एक अपना अलग आनंद है , पर बेहद खास है अदरक वाली चाय। इसके बहुत सारे औषधीय गुण हैं। अदरक की चाय न सिर्फ आपको पसंद आएगी , बल्कि ये आपको ठंड के दौरान होने वाली कई समस्याओं से भी छुटकारा दिलाएगी.   एक बार चाय बना लेने के बाद अदरक के स्वाद को छुपाने के लिए आप इसमें पेपरमिंट, शहद  एवं निम्बू का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं. आइये अब यह जानते हैं की क्यों हमें यह चाय पीनी चाहिये।   वैसे तो इसके कई फायदे हैं पर मुख्य आठ निम्नलिखित फायदे है। १. रक्तचाप को ठीक रखना। २. मानसिक परेशानी को दूर भगाता है। ३. जोड़ो के दर्द को दूर करे। ४. इम्युनिटी बढ़ता है। ५. मतली से आराम दिलाये।   ६. स्वांश फूलने की समस्या में आराम दिलाये। ७. महिलाओं के मासिक धर्म में आराम दिलाता है। ८. पाचन में सहायक। दोस्तों उपरोक्त जानकारी सम्पूर्ण मेरी निजी अनुभव से आधारित है।  कृप्या किसी भी रोग के उपचार में  रजिस्टर्ड डॉक्टर  की सलाह लें।

What is Spam & How to reduce the Spam EMails.

What is spam?   Spam is any kind of unwanted online communication. The most common form of spam is unwanted email. You can also get text message spam, instant message spam (sometimes known as spim ), and social networking spam. Some spam is annoying but harmless. However, some spam is part of an identity theft scam or other kind of fraud. Identity theft spam is often called a phishing scam.   How to reduce spam email ?   Use email software with built-in spam filtering. SmartScreen filter helps reduce unwanted email. It's built into Microsoft email programs and is turned on by default. SmartScreen is included in (formerly Hotmail ), Outlook (part of Microsoft Office), Exchange, Windows Live Mail, and Entourage. Add people you know to your safe sender list and unwanted senders to your blocked list. This helps SmartScreen personalize your email experience, to deliver email that you want into your Inbox, and to filter unwanted email i...

What is Windows Update and why should I run it?

Windows Update (WU), a service offered by Microsoft, provides updates for Windows components. It can be replaced with Microsoft Update , an expanded version of the service which provides for other Microsoft software as well, such as Microsoft Office, Windows Live Essentials and Microsoft Expression Studio. The Windows Update (or Microsoft Update) utility is used to keep your Windows-based computer up-to-date with the latest patches. PCs connected to the UNC Network must be up-to-date on critical patches that have been available for 2 months or longer to connect to our network. These updates will close security holes in your computer and hopefully prevent you from being hacked or infected with viruses. This will also help protect other users on our network from any potential problems with your computer.  

Browser Hijack Fixes

What is browser hijacking? It is a type of online fraud. Scammers use malicious software to take control of your computer's Internet browser and change how and what it displays when you're surfing the web. How do You know if your browser has been hijacked? Home page or other settings change on your computer. Links are added that point to websites that you'd usually avoid. You can't navigate to certain web pages, such as antispyware and other security software sites. A seemingly endless barrage of ads pops up on your screen. New toolbars or Favorites are installed that give you icons and links to web pages that you don't want. Your computer runs sluggishly. Malicious software can slow down your computer. How to fix 1. Reset your browser with default setting. 2. Uninstall unknown programs from add remove programs. 3.Run disk clean up. 4.Remove tool bars. 5.Disable unwanted add-ons 6.Clean affected registry. I hope this will work...

"Software Piracy is Crime"

The unauthorized copying of software. Most retail programs are licensed for use at just one computer site or for use by only one user at any time. By buying the software, you become a licensed user rather than an owner (see EULA). You are allowed to make copies of the program for backup purposes, but it is against the law to give copies to friends and colleagues. Software piracy is all but impossible to stop, although software companies are launching more and more lawsuits against major infractors. Originally, software companies tried to stop software piracy by copy-protecting their software. This strategy failed, however, because it was inconvenient for users and was not 100 percent foolproof. Most software now requires some sort of registration, which may discourage would-be pirates, but doesn't really stop software piracy.

What is malware?

Malware is short for "malicious software." Malware is any kind of unwanted software that is installed without your adequate consent. Viruses , worms, and Trojan horses are examples of malicious software that are often grouped together and referred to as malware. How to help protect your computer from malware There are several free ways to help protect your computer against malware: Make sure automatic updating is turned on to get all the latest security updates. Keep your firewall turned on. Don't open spam email messages or click links on suspicious websites . Download Microsoft Security Essentials , which is free, or another reputable antivirus and anti-malware program. If you run Windows 8 or Windows RT, you don’t need Microsoft Security Essentials. (see the warning below). Scan your computer with the Microsoft Safety Scanner . Warning: Cybercriminals sometimes try to trick you into downloa...